Happy Fall Equinox + Full Moon In Aries

Happy Fall Equinox and Full Harvest Moon in Aries. September always brings changes, as we feel the weather shifting, the trees start to change colors, and leaves from the branches that once hung on, let go. As we let go into the unknown shifting gears mentally and preparing for the winter months. This is a time for preparation and deep cleansing. It’s a time to sit without judgment and go back to see what we’ve grown through in the past summer months, and what still needs tending towards now as we enter the Fall Equinox.

Aries makes our emotions heightened during this time, and it brings our mind, body, and soul to the front gates. It fires us up and connects us to our sacred gifts if we listen closely enough. This is a time when our inspirations and goals are pressing on us fiercely, almost so much that we feel the tendency to run away when things feel like it’s too much to handle. We all know the feeling. The trick is to stay with this fiery aspect and activate our potential to get things done as wisely, lovingly, and as patiently with ourselves as we can.

 This isn’t a time to not tend to your desires, because the effect of not tending to what needs to be looked at during this time can be destructive moving forward.

This Harvest Moon is reminding us of responsibility, which comes with the fiery aspect of this moon, as we look at our innermost dark shadow selves we start to clear out whatever needs clearing at this time, so we can continue to work and be well to ourselves, and in affect others.

Let’s use the power of this Full Moon to our highest good. Let us bring what we want towards us. As we do this, as we sit with whatever needs letting go of, it helps us move forward on to greater heights. This Harvest Moon is here for us, and to help us move through this time and into the unknown.

Be well.


Write it Down


Time for a Team Break